Episode Transcription

197. The 7 Essentials Your website Must Have To Get Booked To Speak

What you should include on your speaker page if you're a coach, consultant, or service provider

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:00:00]:

Are you looking to fill up your client roster and have a wait list of eager clients willing to wait to work with you? Then you need to get in front of the right people and have them see you as the expert who can solve their problem. Because clients hire experts. So if you're a coach, a consultant, or a service provider wondering how to get booked as a speaker easier, then this show is for you. We're diving into one of the biggest mistakes that I see people making on their websites that has meeting planners and conference organizers scratching their head about you. So let's get on to the show.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:01:05]:

So welcome back. And today, we're gonna be talking about your website. Because your website is out there advertising that you're a speaker Or is it advertising that you're a speaker? You know, this is one of the biggest mistakes that I see people making. I ask them, do you have a speaker page? Oh, yeah. It says that I'm a speaker in my about page. No. That's not what I mean. You gotta have a speaker page because meeting planners and conference organizers, people are coming to your website who want to book you.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:01:39]:

They're looking for a speaker page. Don't make them hunt on your website, through your about page, what it's like to work with you. Don't make them ding for what it's like to work with you, or if you're even a speaker, because people are coming to your website, people who can book speakers at least, and they are looking for a speaker tab. Because they need to know quickly If you're not a speaker, I can't be wasting time here, and I'm gonna move on to the next person that's on my list. Now this also, you know, let's talk about the before stuff. Does it say speaker in your bios, on your social media accounts? Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, etcetera. Make sure those all say that you're a speaker Because meeting planners, conference organizers, some of them have assistants. And they'll be saying to those assistants like, Hey, could you find me a speaker in the Boston area? Can you find me a speaker on x y z topic? And they are the sort of people who are going to, you know, if they're young enough, they're going to Instagram to actually look and do those searches so that they can hand their superior, their boss, and who's the meeting planner, Who's going to be making the bigger decision.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:02:59]:

Like here's a list of speakers that I have been given. So speaker page on your website, so important, but now you're probably wondering, great. I got to add a page onto my website, but what do I put on that page on my website? You're in luck because we're gonna dive right into that. Number 1, pictures of you speaking. Pictures of you speaking. And whether you are new to this and you might be thinking, but Laurie and I don't have any pictures of me speaking. No problem. This is not huge.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:03:36]:

This is not a deal breaker. You can actually just add pictures as you get them. And let's just say you have some older pictures. I was at a conference recently. We were talking about speaker pages and somebody said I have to get new pictures of me speaking because the pictures that I have on my speaker page are from several years ago. I said, no, keep them up there. Have a meeting planner or somebody who wants to hire you come to your speaker page and be like, whatever hair was long there and it's short there and it's styled differently. Let them see there's an age gap, so to speak, in these pictures so that they can see that, wow, you've been around and you've been speaking a while.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:04:25]:

That's a bonus tip. Okay. So don't worry about if you have older pictures. Another thing, if you have pictures that you know, they are older and they are a little bit blurry on your website now, just because of the difference in the resolution, use it as like a background image and put some words over it. It'll still have the same effect. And so let's move on from the pictures. So if you're new, you're going to start adding pictures to your speaker page. And if you are a seasoned speaker and you've done some speaking and you want to revamp that speaker page, you're just gonna be adding more pictures and you're gonna keep some of those older pictures there as well.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:05:12]:

3 sexy titles to your presentation so that you can get booked for. This is what I call getting ready to be ready. You want to have those titles. Like you want somebody to come to your web site and be like, wow, that sounds like such an interesting title, an interesting presentation. You literally want to entice them. So have 3 different sexy titles that literally say exactly what you speak on. You know, if you need some help with this, feel free to DM me over in Instagram. That's lorianne.murabito, and I will help you come up with some sexy titles.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:05:52]:

Another idea is also to put your idea into, like, some sort of an AI, whether it's chat gpt or one of my favorites is Claude. And just tell them, like, here's what the speech is about. Here's the title that I currently have. You know, can you make this more provocative? Can you make this more enticing? Something that would compel somebody to want to listen to this particular presentation. So 3 sexy titles, and you're probably wondering why 3. And if you've been around for any length of time, you've probably heard me talk about the magic of 3, the power of 3. Human beings love to have choices. And 3 is one of those magical numbers.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:06:38]:

So I'm going to encourage you to go and listen to a previous episode. So that is episode number 15. So if you haven't listened to that one yet, please go and listen to that because you can use this power of 3 in so many different areas of your business. The next one is testimonials. Testimonials of you speaking. Yes. And again, this is one of those, like, you will just add them as you get them. But let people know, like, what others are thinking or what others feel or have experienced when they have seen you speak.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:07:13]:

And so testimonials are something that you are just gonna keep adding to and adding to. And I actually, on my website, on my testimonial page, I not only have a section for coaching, but then I have a section for speaking. And it's just a list that keeps going on and on and on because it shows that I've been around doing this for a long time. The next one is headshots. This is going to sort of eliminate that problem of the meeting player. Like once they've hired you, reaching back out to you saying, Hey, we need some headshots. Like, let's just make it super easy for whoever is booking you and have all of that information right on your speaker page. So your headshots, you want to make sure that they are in color and black and white.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:07:59]:

Never know. We're just trying to make it easier for whoever's booking you. And if you can have it where you are facing both directions, the right and the left. So that's a total of 4 pictures. Color looking right, looking left, black and white looking right, looking left. The next is also your bio, a short and a long bio. As far as an introduction, I always tell people that I customize my introduction. So I will be sending them an introduction a week before the actual event.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:08:34]:

This way it gives whomever is going to be introducing me. It gives them enough time to actually read the introduction several times so that it sounds and it flows really nicely. And I will tell you with a name like Mirabito, I've actually sort of like have to phonetically spell it out for them so that it's not so far in. So I'm just trying to help whoever's introducing me, actually sound like a pro. Sound like they've done it a 1000000 times. And I actually did have an incidence where I had somebody who introduced me, and they did such a spectacular job. I actually said to you, like, thank you for that lovely introduction. Can I like take you everywhere to introduce me? Because you did such a beautiful job.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:09:19]:

So those are the 6 different things that you need to have on your speaker page. And again, remember some of these, if you're just getting started, you're going to add to them. But a lot of these you can actually do. So you're going to have a speaker page on your website. That's number 1. Number 2, we're going to have pictures of you speaking. Even if you've got older pictures, let's have those older pictures, let's have those newer pictures, and you are going to add them. If you're just getting started and you don't have any pictures of you speaking, you're going to add them.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:09:53]:

Another sort of side benefit that you could do if you don't have any pictures of you speaking is have some video of you doing like a live stream. You know, an IG live, a Facebook live. If you have a podcast, consider all those as evidence of you being able to speak. So that's number 2. Number 3, 3 sexy titles. And you're gonna go listen to episode number 15 about the power of 3. I'm probably gonna need to actually like update and do that episode again, because I have been watching some of the new information that's coming out on human beings and decision process. And the 4th one is testimonials.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:10:36]:

And if you haven't spoken, you're going to be adding them as you get those testimonials. And if you've got testimonials, we're just gonna keep adding them to your speaker page as you get them. 5th one, headshots, color and black and white, and also your bio. And I would also add a booking link. You need a booking link for people to get on a zoom call, get on a phone call, to have a conversation with you so that you can decide, is this the right place for me to actually be speaking? And I probably should do another episode on the different components that I have, the different questions that I ask inside of my speaker booking link so that you could probably use them and, you know, be able to look like a pro right from the get go when you are speaking, because you want this pre event to decide if you want to speak for this group. It might be a bad fit, but you won't know unless you have that conversation. And it wouldn't be terrible if you said, you know, I'm sorry, but I'm not a good fit for this, but I do know somebody who is because you might be a really great fit for a future event. So another one as a bonus, which is what, like, number 7 would be a booking link so that people can get on your calendar and have the conversation with you about their event that they're looking for a speaker.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:12:06]:

So I hope that you found this all very helpful and got some big changes that are coming with episode number 200. I'm very excited about some of the changes that I am making here to my show. You are going to love them. I, well, at least I hope you're going to love them, but I would just, tease you a little bit because in episode 200, I will be sharing more about what some of those changes are. So until next week, I hope that you be in demand. And if you are interested in coming on the show as a guest, where we would talk about you speaking, I'm calling this a speaking audit call, and you would be a guest on this be in demand show, then feel free to DM me. More information on that coming in episode 200, but you can DM me over on Instagram for the time being. So that link to my Instagram account is down below, but it's @laurieann.murabito.

Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:13:07]:

So till next time, be in demand.

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