Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:00:00]:
Hello, and welcome back to another episode here of the be in demand podcast. Today, I have Victoria Voelk on who's coming on as a special guest, and she was also a student in a previous round of in demand signature speech. And I'm bringing her on to talk about not only her experience and her what she learned from the program so that you might be able to be able to answer any of questions that you might have on the program, but also to hear how her topic of grief and how she is sharing that on a bigger scale instead of just these one off conversations. So let's get on to the show. You're listening to be in demand, the podcast for honest advice, inspiring stories, and ideas for growing your business by leveraging the expert that you are. I'm your host, Loriam Mirabito, business mentor, and I'm also a reformed painfully shy girl, red wine lover, and exercise enthusiast. Join me as I share how being positioned as the expert in your industry, even if it's a busy one, will help you stand out and be the one in demand to hire and work with. Welcome everybody back to the show.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:01:09]:
Today, I have a very special guest, Victoria Volk, who is one of my former students from in demand signature speech. And we're gonna talk about her journey through In Demand Signature Speech and about her story. And it was so important for me to have her on this, on my podcast because her message, her story is so profound. Victoria, can you just give us, like just introduce yourself to my audience, please?
Victoria Volk [00:01:37]:
Yeah. Thank you so much for having me. I am the owner of The Unleashed Heart, and, I'm a self published author. I've, have a lot of certifications under my belt, a lot of different things that I do, but they all kind of work together in helping and supporting those who are grieving or going through a difficult time in their life. Go from surviving to thriving through energy healing work, through grief, counseling and, career and life satisfaction, self discovery type work. Yeah.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:02:15]:
And I think this topic of grief is one that is not talked about very often. It's almost like sex politics and money. We just like, we just like, we don't wanna talk about that stuff. And as personal as I know grief myself from losing my first husband, I also know, and this was something that we really talked about during, in the crafting of your signature speech, is that grief is so much more than death. Can you just, like, elaborate on that a little bit more for people?
Victoria Volk [00:02:50]:
Yeah. I'll share a definition that people likely have never heard. So grief is the loss of hopes, dreams, and expectations. It is anything that you wish could have been or would be different, better, or more. And that could be about your life, about a relationship or anything. And there are more than afford yeah. Career. There are more
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:03:15]:
than Career, a job, a a vacation, a trip. COVID. What I was just gonna say what just happened the past few years.
Victoria Volk [00:03:24]:
Yeah. Can you you a lot of people about that. Over 3 years, we're into that. Right? Like, that's and it's still affecting people in really big ways. And so and it's here to stay. And, you know, there's more than 40 plus losses.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:03:42]:
it stacks up. 40 plus losses. Yes.
Victoria Volk [00:03:48]:
And there are those intangible losses to those things that you can't really put into words, it's, you can have loss of trust and loss of safety and security. There's grief in that too.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:03:58]:
Wow. I never even thought of that. But 40 plus different versions of grief, which is Of loss. Thank you. Thank you. Of loss. Yeah. And for me, what that says is, is that most people who think grief is just death, you know, like there's 39 others that most of us, I bet, like, if we if we had, like, a checklist, be like, yep. Yep. Yep.
Yep. No. Maybe not. But there'd be more checks of yes than there are no. That's a
Victoria Volk [00:04:36]:
good reminder to me because I actually have a checklist. Maybe I should have that as an opt in so people can really see how many losses they've really had in their lives. Because when we come out of the womb, it's almost like we might as well have come out with a backpack. And every loss that we experienced throughout our lives, we might as well just throw a rock into that backpack because we're carrying it with us. It follows us into adulthood. And this is why we find in our in our lives as adults, these we find ourselves in these cyclical patterns of behavior. We might find ourselves in the same type of relationship with the same type of, you know, other significant other. And it's like, why does that keep happening? Why do I keep finding myself in this situation? What am I not learning here? What is repeating from my childhood? What wound am I expressing in my adult life from my childhood? And so especially if you've had trauma as a child, and it doesn't have to be a big t trauma.
Victoria Volk [00:05:33]:
I mean, moving several times can be traumatic for a child. You know, a lot of military families have to move a lot, and you have a really difficult time, really connecting deeply with other people because, well, why should I connect deeply with you? I'm just gonna be leaving anyway. You know, it can be really difficult to create long lasting deep connections with people when you're constantly moving.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:05:59]:
That's just one example.
Victoria Volk [00:06:00]:
That's just one example. Yeah.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:06:01]:
Thank you. Thank you for that. So you joined in demand signature speech. Could you just share, like, what compelled you to join?
Victoria Volk [00:06:10]:
The first, what, 10 minutes, 9 minutes that we're recording here is exactly why I joined Signature Signature Speech because we don't talk about grief in this way. And it was such a huge part of my life for most of my life growing up as a child braver. This information changed my life. It helped me to reframe my life because I thought I was meant for a life of suffering because that's all I really knew in my mind, you know. And when we don't have people explaining to us or or teaching us the language and the words and how to express ourselves or we don't have that, we don't know how or we don't know how to healthily in a in a healthy way, address our emotional, issues, then we resort to behaviors that are unhelpful and probably hurtful to ourselves and and maybe even to others. We might abuse alcohol or drugs or, become a workaholic. There's we call them STURBs in grief recovery, which is the method that changed my life. And, I am its biggest cheerleader, I would like to say, because I started a podcast to try and expand my message, which is going on 3 years, but I wanna expand it even more.
Victoria Volk [00:07:33]:
And so I wanted to learn how to write a good speech and, one that would be impactful that people could walk away and be like, wow. I never knew that. I never heard about grief that way.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:07:50]:
I love that. So you are definitely on a mission to share your message, to share your story, not just with one offs, but really, like, on a bigger grander scale.
Victoria Volk [00:08:03]:
My slogan for my podcast, Grieving Voices, is let's talk about grief like we talk about the weather. So that's that is my mission.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:08:13]:
I love that. Victoria, can you just share with the audience what your repeatable phrases that you that you crafted inside in demand signature speech?
Victoria Volk [00:08:23]:
It's time we do grief differently.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:08:26]:
It's time we do grief differently. And so for everybody who's just listening, a repeatable phrase is something that you repeat throughout your presentation. So Victoria is constantly sharing information or statistics or a story that proves her repeatable phrase. So she would share, like, a stat or maybe even a case study, and then she would repeat that. You know, it's time to do grief differently. So that the audience really a repeatable phrase is almost like like the center of your content. Like, everything that you talk about really can stem from this one phrase. Yeah.
Victoria Volk [00:09:07]:
And I even named my program after that.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:09:10]:
You really? Oh, congratulations. I love it.
Victoria Volk [00:09:13]:
Well, actually my repeatable phrase came from that program because it's called do grief differently and it's 12 weeks. And it's, yeah, it's exactly how people can learn to do grief differently. It's been very impactful for people.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:09:28]:
And because of that, because you're because of that repeatable phrase, like mine is speaking is the fastest way to grow your business. Like everything that I talk about is speaking is the fastest way to grow your business. So with you to be able to have that repeatable phrase, like even as a program, like you get known for that phrase, even if somebody that's in your audience, even let's just hypothetically say, I can't remember the name of that speaker, but it's like they remember your phrase. And that becomes one of those really those those moments where people, like, really remember you. And then rave about you and refer you because they because of that repeatable phrase. And that's just, I mean, like that, that's just one part of of, the in demand signature speak. So what did you love most about crafting your presentation during this 9 week program?
Victoria Volk [00:10:29]:
I'm the type of person that needs a structure or else I'm all over the place. Even for like a project where I have all these ideas and, you know, mind mapping is beneficial for me. I have to see it and visualize it and, you know, put all the parts together. But this, it's almost like writing a book, right? You, you have different parts and that has to go in a certain way and, ideas and things can be moved around and it's not written in stone. Right? It's, it's like a living document. And I just didn't have the structure. I suppose part of me too is I wanted it to be really good. And I don't wanna be someone's I don't wanna, like, wing it myself and I get in front of a stage and it falls completely flat.
Victoria Volk [00:11:21]:
Right? Like, I'm not someone that wants to stay half ass. I don't like to half ass stuff. And so having someone who's been there, who knows what they're doing to guide and teach me, that's what I was looking for. I I had a coach too when I wrote self published my book and wrote my book. So, if there's something I don't feel confident about, I'm not afraid to hire the person that can help me accomplish what I'm setting out setting out to do.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:11:58]:
So what I'm hearing you say, which I hear a lot of people say, it's like I've got all of these ideas that are floating around. And a lot of times what I find, like novices, what they do is they try to put all of those ideas in their presentation. And because there's so much information in there, they end up overwhelming the audience. And I do teach a structure that is that is simple, that you don't share you don't tell everything. We just tell what the audience needs. Like, because we also set a goal. You set a goal for your presentation. And in order for that goal to happen, what has to be in the presentation? Not everything
Victoria Volk [00:12:42]:
And that is a tendency of mine to inform, inform, inform. And yeah, so I, I know brevity is not my best suit. So especially for a speech, you wanna be concise with your messaging. And so I I knew I needed help with that. So
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:13:02]:
And, yeah, you did a really nice job. And, you know, like, I use that the metaphor of, like, a table. These tables, you have 3 tables. There are 3 different topics or tips or pieces of information that you're going to share with the audience, and then the likes are the supporting information. So I remember, like, yeah, you wanted more tables. I'm just like, no. You can't have more tables.
Victoria Volk [00:13:29]:
Yeah. I can go in so many different directions because of the background and training and certifications and things that I had. And so I find myself, oh, I can I can mention this or talk about this? And, yeah. So you helped me rein it in and dial it back.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:13:47]:
Yeah. Because all of that other stuff is great for your program. Right. It's great for your 1 on 1 work that you do with clients. But in a speech, you know, it's really to help the audience take the next step, you know, take that next step with you, whether that's your your opt in, whether that's to book a call with you. But again, like, if we overwhelm the audience, you know, and that's something that again that I see with a lot of new speakers, you overwhelm the audience, they don't do anything. But, yeah, you you you did a really nice job, I have to say, with with your presentation. Yeah.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:14:26]:
And have you found that you've been able to use different parts of it in different, situations?
Victoria Volk [00:14:34]:
Not yet. Well, that's actually not true because there were aspects of it that I've pulled into guesting as a podcast guest. But the structure itself that I learned is helping me craft another speech for, a group of women. I'm taking part in a workshop and I'm presenting at a workshop. And so it's very helpful to have that structure to help me just re rinse and repeat.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:15:06]:
Yeah. Yeah. It's so easy to make a new presentation. Because you can essentially still use your beginning, your authority section, and even your clothes. And I mean, this is a workshop, so it's a little bit longer than a, than a, like a signature speech, but that's where you are what I taught you is like, you just like inject exercises.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:15:29]:
You know, audience exercises, just because, you know, you're, you're actually speaking for 90 minutes at this particular talk that we're, that's rapidly approaching that I'm so excited for you. Yeah.
Victoria Volk [00:15:40]:
And actually it's more of a round table type discussion. So I'm not gonna be at the front of the room. They asked me if I wanted to be at the front of the room, but I had never thought about, that angle. And I think in a small group setting, it's, it's almost like when you're go to church and the minister comes down from behind the podium, you know, it feels more intimate. And so I will be actually sitting at a round table at a table with these women, and it'll feel more like a conversation.
Victoria Volk [00:16:17]:
And yet still, I have the structure to keep myself on point and on on task of of the content. So it's still gonna be very beneficial.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:16:28]:
And that's really beautiful that you saw that as instead of me standing up in front of a tiny audience, like, let me just sit at the table with them to have that this very intimate conversation, you know, which is still your signature speech, you know, and do some great exercises, like, at the table. That's wonderful. So if somebody was asking you, your opinion of joining in demand signature speech, because I will be, you know, launching it and we'll be running it again in a few weeks, March 20th, actually. What would you say to them?
Victoria Volk [00:17:04]:
Do it. If you feel nudged, I'm all about following your intuition and following the nudges. So if you feel a calling, I would answer that call because it's, you're being nudged for a reason. Too many times we deny ourselves of our own. We kind of silence our own voice, because, oh, maybe the investment is more than what we thought or what's my husband gonna say if I invest this or my significant other, or do it while I have the time. But I think if it's something that's important to you, you'll make the time. And if it's something that you feel a calling to do, that it can really benefit you and your business and help you grow as an entrepreneur, then it's an investment in yourself too.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:18:01]:
Thank you. Did you have fun in the program?
Victoria Volk [00:18:04]:
I did. I loved that. It was actually kind of like a a mastermind in a way as well. I really liked that aspect where you can it's not just work, work, work, work, work, and write, write, write. It's, you know, kind of masterminding through the challenges of that process too, because, it you know, sometimes things can come up, especially if you are, so close to your content. Right? Like, and you can have a lot of these self worth or, you know, especially if you're stepping out for the first time and putting yourself out there for the first time, it can feel very scary and you feel like, oh, is this really my, am I worth this? Like, are people gonna like me? You know, so you have all these insecurities that
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:18:55]:
come up.
Victoria Volk [00:18:56]:
And so I think just having a group that you can talk those things through, is is really been a beneficial part of the program too.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:19:05]:
And was there anything intangible that you would say, this is also what I got from the program besides having a signature speech and a structure?
Victoria Volk [00:19:15]:
Self confidence.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:19:17]:
I hear that a lot. Can you just elaborate on that?
Victoria Volk [00:19:21]:
I know my content. I know my message, but I can get diarrhea of the mouth. And so to have, like, these tabletops, right, these key things that are the most that I feel are the most important that people need to know and learn about. It's kind of a guidepost for meeting people on the street or, like, last night I met with a group of ladies I'd never met them before, and it was an opportunity to share a little bit about what I do, but in a maybe a little bit different way. So it just, I don't know, it gives you more, I don't know, Juice to your message. I don't know how to say that.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:20:11]:
Well, I and and I get that, you know, because I hear that a lot. Like, people who have gone through the program feel more confident.
Victoria Volk [00:20:19]:
Yeah. I think as if you're present yeah. It's like you you yeah. You know what I'm trying to say. I'm just not Yeah.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:20:25]:
And for everybody who's listening, it's that more confidence in what you're saying, how you're saying it, why you're saying it.
Victoria Volk [00:20:35]:
It's the how. It's the how you're saying it. Because if you're hesitating or you're not you know what I mean? So it really going through this process helps to clarify things for you too.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:20:47]:
Yes. Yes. I've I've heard that a lot too. Thank you. So for everybody who is listening to this and that now their eyes are a little perked up about a little bit more about grief, would you share with my audience, like, where they can find you, follow you, and learn from you?
Victoria Volk [00:21:06]:
My website, the All the links for all the things are on there. I'm on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook. I have a podcast Grieving Voices. There's a link for that on there as well. And I have some free resources. There's some eBooks and an energy quiz to see what energy type you are. Yeah, lots of good stuff on there and you can schedule a free consultation or just reach out to me if you have a question.
Victoria Volk [00:21:39]:
I'm taking Q and A's for my podcast. So I would love Q and A's from anyone that has me. So, yeah.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:21:46]:
I'll make sure that all that information is down in the show notes. And can you just talk a little bit about your quiz? Because I know about your quiz, but my audience doesn't.
Victoria Volk [00:21:56]:
Yeah. So there are 4 energy types that I've identified. And based on that energy type, I offer different suggestions and information about what may be what's leaking your energy, like where you may have energy leaks and what you can do to nurture your energy and your energy type. And then I offer a suggestion of, you know, at the end there's I offer some I offer several different things. And so based on your quiz, I can offer well, this is what I think would be a good fit for you in my offerings. Certainly you don't have to take me up on that, but you'll have a lot of information to to chew on. There's some, journal prompts based on your energy type as well. There's a lot of content there.
Victoria Volk [00:22:40]:
So and it's absolutely free.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:22:43]:
What's the, link to take the quiz?
Victoria Volk [00:22:45]:
It's right at the top on my website. And I also have, you can spin to save on a future energy healing session, and then you'll receive, a coupon code for that. And then you'll also receive my newsletter, the unleashed letters. It's a biweekly publication that I send out. But yes, there is a link on my website.
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:23:11]:
So right at the top of your website? Yep. So go take the quiz to find out where you're leaking your energy, what kind of energy you are, and learn all the really good information from Victoria herself. Make sure you check her out and follow her over on Instagram, which is where I follow her. And, Victoria, thank you so much for joining me on this episode.
Victoria Volk [00:23:34]:
Thank you for having me. I've absolutely loved your program, and it's been so beneficial for me. So thank you
Laurie-Ann Murabito [00:23:42]:
Thank you. Thanks for hanging out with me. Be sure to hit the subscribe button so you never miss an episode and join me over in my private Facebook group for more tips, community, and free trainings. You'll find the link in the show notes. You can also help this podcast reach more listeners by leaving a review and as a thank you each month, I get one of my reviewers to win a free coaching call with me. So if you haven't done so already, please leave a review and you could be the next one.
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